In November 2020, the club spent a total of £21,059.41 and our income was £9,435.76.
Category: Transparency
October 2020 income and expenditure
In October 2020, the club spent a total of £8,845.54 and our income was £14,553.85.
September 2020 income and expenditure
In September 2020, the club spent a total of £14,343.31 and our income in September 2020 was £11,540.25.
August 2020 income and expenditure
The monthly income and expenditure for the ciub, plus the Old Spotted Dog Groumd Trust, and an update on our Hardship Fund.
The purchase of the Old Spotted Dog Ground
In line with the club’s commitment to financial transparency, this is a summary of the decisions we have taken in order to purchase the Old Spotted Dog Ground.
July 2020 income and expenditure
Technically the club’s largest expenditure in July 2020 was also the most significant in our history: the purchase of the Old Spotted Dog Ground for £96,000, although this is spread out over the next ten years.
June 2020 income and expenditure
This is also the last month of our financial year and the Finance Committee aims to have the full accounts for 2019-20 available to members next month.
May 2020 income and expenditure
After the somewhat depressing financial report we gave in April 2020, we are really pleased to confirm that May has been a far better month
April 2020 income and expenditure
As a result of nationwide quarantine measures introduced in March because of the coronavirus pandemic, April 2020 has financially been one of the toughest months for the club since we became member-owned in 2018.
March 2020 income and expenditure
Like most clubs, we have seen the gradual shutdown of more and more of Clapton CFC’s operations over the course of March 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic.