In April, the club spent £10,258.97 from while the income was £20,088.02 .
Category: Transparency
March 2023 Income & Expenditure
In March, the club spent £12,877.74 from while the income was £14,430.49 .
February 2023 Income & Expenditure
In February, the club spent £12,806.68 from while the income was £6,100.25.
January 2023 Income & Expenditure
In January, the club spent £27,012.59 from while the income was £16,605.22.
The purchase of the warehouse and land next to the Old Spotted Dog Ground
As part of the club’s commitment to financial transparency, this is an abridged summary of the purchase and the decisions made.
December 2022 Income & Expenditure
In December, the club spent £94 818,4815 171,76 from while the income was £14 337,47.
October 2022 Income & Expenditure
In October, the club spent £15 171,76 from while the income was £7 714,45.
November 2022 Income & Expenditure
In November, the club spent £10 060,01 while the income was £19 092,56.
September 2022 income and expenditure
The new season has officially restarted and with it, expenditure rose back to £10 739,98 in September.
August 2022 income and expenditure
Expenditure fell to £5631,38 in August, down from £8021,08 in July.