Works on the alleyway behind the Old Spotted Dog Ground have begun again following a three-week break over Christmas.
Category: Old Spotted Dog Ground
Disraeli Road entrance out of action due to work on Old Spotted Dog Ground
Council contractors Kenson Highways finally started work at the end of October to create a cycle path along the alley next to Clapton CFC’s home, the Old Spotted Dog Ground.
Old Spotted Dog Ground work day this Sunday
With work on the alley having started, there’s lots to be done to get the pitch and surrounds ready for our upcoming run of 5 home games in 14 days.
Returnable cup scheme now in use at the Old Spotted Dog Ground
There’s a new returnable cup scheme in operation at The Old Spotted Dog Ground, home of Clapton Community FC.
Games still to come at the Old Spotted Dog Ground this week
There are three games at the Old Spotted Dog Ground this week
Clapton CFC make shortlist in Football Supporters Association Awards
Clapton CFC were up for the Non-League Award at the Football Supporters Association Awards ceremony this week.
Clapton CFC wins GMA best volunteer ground team award
Huge congratulations to the CCFC Grounds Committee, who last night took home the GMA trophy for Best Volunteer Grounds Team!
Admission prices for Clapton CFC women’s and men’s first team games for the 2023/2024 season
The FA rules state we must charge a minimum admission charge for competitive games at the men’s first team level.
Old Spotted Dog Ground warehouse development options – have your say
These are not design proposals, but diagrams that offer a loose idea of how the site may be developed in the near future.
Strike Solidarity Football Tournament at the OSD raises over £1000
The one-day tournament at the Old Spotted Dog Ground on Sunday raised an excellent £1046.37 for the UVW union strike fund.