February 2019 income and expenditure

In February 2019, Clapton CFC spent £49,670.47, with the largest costs (£46,904.67) once again going towards the production and distribution of our replica shirts: almost 4000 were produced this month.

With three home games in February, we also spent more on programmes (£675) and the various costs of hosting matches.

Total income in February 2019 was £32,547.81. This is overwhelmingly made up of advance sales of shirts (£27,824.83), but we also raised £4,541.48 on match days, from donations and programme sales.


Production of further replica shirts£31,837.50
Postage for distributing replica shirts£15,067.17
Printing programmes£675.00
Match day security£475.20
Match officials£312.00
Food for players£210.00
Room hire for members meetings£175.00
Winter gear for men's first team£123.05
Purchase of match balls£110.98
Printing of members certificates£100.00
"Football v Blood Cancer" banner£96.00
Smoke canisters for Football v Homophobia Day£51.41
Materials for new ground stand£41.93
Spare keys for Matchday storage£30.00
Printing of papers for members' meeting, Jan 2019£19.00
Matchday committee travel£12.40
Sanitary products£6.34
Purchase of petty cash book£2.49


Match Day Donation£3,271.48
Programme Sales£1,270.00
Other donations£85.20
Tickets for “Nae Pasaran” film event£71.30
Player sponsorship£25.00
TOTAL £32,547.81

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