A look back at Clapton CFC solidarity action for Palestine in 2024

For years, Clapton CFC members have been involved in initiatives to build solidarity and support for Palestine and condemn the British Government’s role in funding and justifying the ongoing Israeli Genocide. For instance, four years ago, Clapton CFC members voted in favour of supporting the Palestinian call for Boycotts Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel’s regime of apartheid and military occupation. Then in 2023, the club donated £1000 to the charity Medical Aid for Palestinians.

The Community Outreach committee has taken a look back at 2024 and some of the actions and milestones in our own community during the year. Below is a non-exhaustive list, submitted by members:

  • In the summer, we had our friends from Bristol, Easton Cowfolk, join us for a day of anti-racist football for Palestine. That included a ‘big ride for Palestine’ through Newham, a workshop with speakers from Netpol, Trademark and Workers for Palestine, as well as two football games. CCFC fan forum unfurled the biggest tifo in CCFC history – a large Palestine flag – and we raised over £1000 for the Gaza Sunbirds.
  • Some of our fans worked with Hackney Bumps who created a T-shirt designed by Dave the Chimp, with all profits going to the Gaza Sunbirds. Raising almost £5000 in 2024, let’s continue to support the initiative and buy here.
  • There was a huge pre-match flag and tifo display in January for the Men’s First Team home game against Newbury Forest – see photo at the top of the page.
  • After CCFC played Independiente de Vallecas in Madrid in July, Clapton Punks produced a calendar to fundraise for one of their players Khaled Dader, whose family are still in Gaza. His fundraiser is still active and you can donate here.
  • At the Old Spotted Dog Ground, the band Scrounge put on a fundraiser for Palestine and Harlow Foodbank after the end of season game against Harlow Town FC.
  • Towards the end of the year we confirmed the long awaited news of the campaign we have formally supported for over four years that Puma is no longer sponsoring the Israeli Football Association. That meant the club’s boycott of Puma products has ended. You can read our statement here.
  • Newham Trades Council signed up to become accredited to the Apartheid Free Zone campaign, following the lead of CCFC in 2021. The Community Outreach committee set up a Newham Against Apartheid campaign, with the aim of persuade 20 local cafes, restaurants, religious & cultural centres, bookshops and other local businesses to sign up as Apartheid Free Zones
  • Throughout the year, members and players were represented on national and local demonstrations to end British Government complicity. A key moment was when over 50 Clapton fans joined the ‘One year of genocide, 100 years of resistance’ radical feeder march. 
  • Our members have joined blockades and taken part in occupations and actions to shut down arms factories. Outside of CCFC, fans have been building campaigns in their workplaces, kids’ schools, local communities and creating links nationally and internationally – our friends at Netpol launched their ‘In Our Millions’ Report on police repression of the Palestine movement.

We want to make sure that this coming year we remain committed to meaningful actions and to keep solidarity at the forefront. We will be working with Lajee Celtic to support their tournament in the summer and recommend our members to follow their important work. 

Moving forward, our focus will be to escalate our efforts to ensure we are doing what we can to respond to the calls for international solidarity. We also want to encourage members and fans to join us in making the whole of Newham an Apartheid Free Zone, so please email Community Outreach at community@claptoncfc.co.uk to find out more.