The gradual easing of some coronavirus regulations in England on 12 April has allowed the club to slowly start to emerge from hibernation. A few games have been played (behind closed doors) and our spending has more than doubled since last month – although it is still a fraction of the level when things were normal.
The club’s committees spent £3,818.08 in April with the largest areas of spending including postage (£1,102.90), coaching costs (£575) and pitch hire across the First Teams and Development teams totalling £507.70. The Young Tons Committee also spent £720 on pitch hire to revive their weekly training sessions in Walthamstow up to the end of June.
Our income in April was increased from last month to £8,020.07. This includes merchandise sales of £6,107.06 (before the deduction of PayPal fees of £268.70), Young Tons session donations (£105), Women’s 5s session donations (£110), regular standing orders of £60.36 (£63 less fees of £2.64)and other individual donations totalling £289.
In April, we also received membership fees totalling £1,348.65 (£1,425 less PayPal fees of £76.35). It was another record month with 111 people either joining or renewing their memberships. This was the largest intake, 82 new members, since October with 44 of those on the days around the news of the launch and then ignominious collapse of the European Super League. As of April 30th, CCFC’s active membership stands at 1695.
In reporting the club’s expenditure, VAT is listed separately, In April, we collected £914.97from the sales of our merchandise and can claim back £441.37 from VAT added to purchases made by the club and by the Old Spotted Dog Ground Trust. This means that we owe £473.60 for the month to HM Revenue & Customs.
We have recorded Hardship Fund income and spending separately since this initiative was set up 13 months ago and in March 2021, the income and spending for the Hardship Fund was:
Donations received for CCFC supporters | £159.21 |
Payments made from Hardship Fund | £398.00 |
In total, £12,799.11has been received and £12,718.00 has been paid out so far from the Hardship Fund from March 2020 to the end of April 2021.
The club’s full income and expenditure for April 2021 is as follows:
Merchandise | £6,107.06 |
Membership * | £1,348.65 |
Monthly direct debit donations ** | £60.36 |
Women’s 5s session donations | £110.00 |
Young Tons session donations | £105.00 |
Other income | £289.00 |
£8,020.07 |
*After £76.35 fees
** After £2.64 fees
Finance Committee | |
Accounting software | £25.50 |
Stationery | £9.16 |
£34.66 | |
Men’s Development Team Committee | |
Match fees | £157.50 |
Pitch hire | £50.00 |
£207.50 | |
Membership Committee | |
Membership badges | £224.50 |
Membership cards | £86.64 |
£311.14 | |
Men’s First Team Committee | |
Pitch hire | £312.50 |
Match officials | £52.00 |
£364.50 | |
Merchandise Committee | |
Postage | £1,102.90 |
PayPal fees on merchandise sales | £268.70 |
Mailing bags and labels | £49.99 |
Online store costs | £3.49 |
£1,425.08 | |
Women’s First Team Committee | |
Coaching | £575.00 |
Pitch hire | £145.20 |
Match officials | £35.00 |
£755.20 | |
Young Tons Committee | |
Pitch hire | £720.00 |
TOTAL CCFC Expenditure | £3,818.08 |
Expenditure on our new home is managed by the Old Spotted Dog Ground Trust (OSDGT), the subsidiary company we set up. However, like the club, spending will appear on the OSDGT website and for transparency, here are the figures for April 2021:
Donations | £1,186.51 |
Costs related to planning application for the new changing rooms | £2,122.33 |
Loan repayment for purchase of the ground | £1,108.69 |
Transport costs | £50.00 |
Varnish for bar top | £27.02 |
Refreshments | £16.23 |
Petrol for mowers | £12.29 |
Cleaning costs | £6.77 |
Postage | £0.85 |
£3,344.18 |
How wonderful and refreshing it is to be a member of Clapton CFC. Event down to the explanation associated with the cost of punk T shirts (unionised workforce, fair wage etc,) so far away from the world that is occupied by the greed that is “professional football”. Keep up the great work and every bit of success.