Violence against women and girls (VAWG) remains the most prevalent and pervasive human rights violation in the world. In Britain between 2018 and 2023, there was a 37% increase in violent crimes against women and girls. Last year alone, over one million crimes against women and girls were recorded in England and Wales.
The UN again called for 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence and our teams took a stand with pledge sheets and solidarity photos, which you can see here.

The pledge sheets were developed by Charlene Brown in the Young Hackney Youth Services EVAWG Leaders Group.
Last year’s pledge sheets and solidarity pledge photos, which you can see below, were a much appreciated act of solidarity and support for young people.
They also became part of the photographer Roman Manfredi’s new work Fair Play, which featured portraits of Clapton CFC’s women and non-binary development and reserves teams.

It’s not too late to take part! Blank pledge sheets can be found in the Old Spotted Dog Ground clubhouse which can be pinned to the wall.
You can also take a photo and tag @younghackney.