Clapton CFC Men’s Development Team holding summer trials

Following a third promotion in as many seasons, our men’s development team are holding trials ahead of the new season.

The team, managed by Jon Akaly and Tom Marsland, finished in second place in the Hackney and Leyton Sunday League First Division last season, and are now looking to bolster the squad ahead of tackling the Premier Division.

The development team have already produced players for Geoff Ocran’s first team and will always look to help progress young talent. Young players, refugees, and asylum seekers have all formed part of the squad for what will be a big step up to the top division of the Hackney and Leyton League.

If you (or someone you know) wants to try out for the team then trials will be taking place on Sunday July 7, and then every Sunday throughout July, all starting at 10am on Hackney Marshes on the show pitches, which are by the Hackney Marshes Centre off Homerton Road, E9 5PF. Ensure you are wearing suitable footwear and bring your own water.

So we have an idea of numbers, please email to register attendance, and if you need any further details please also email that address.