May 2023 Income & Expenditure

Income in May was £10,685.83, a decrease from £17,879.59 in April.

This included matchday donations of £4,927.41 and merchandise sales of £2,464.58

Expenditure came to £5 669.97, a decrease from £10 258.97 in April.

Merchandise spent £133.51 on postage fees, and £3.49 in online store costs.

Other significant spend items in the month were £1,320on Men’s first team training pitch hire, £1,192.33 on Loan Repayments and £920 on Women’s teams’ coaching staff.

This month, the club received a Loan for the refurbishment of changing rooms of £15,000, subsequently transferred to OSDGT. 

In reporting the club’s expenditure, VAT is listed separately. 

The club’s full income and expenditure for May 2023 is as follows: 

Match Day Donations£4,927.41
Other Donations£534.45
Open Access Donations£254.51
Women’s teams Donations£105.92
Donation – Matchday Raffle£243.00
Collection for Ahmed£573.93
Youth Training£809.54
Total CCFC Income£10,685.83
Communications Committee
MailChimp credits£58.91
Community Outreach
Forest Gate Festival £27.80
Finance Committee
Long term storage£19.00
Storage costs£3.96
Bank Fees£24.05
Xero accounting software£26.60
League Liaison Committee
Players disciplinary fines£170.00
Matchday Committee
Equipment Costs£198.57
Match Officials£40.00
Men’s First Team
Training pitch hire£1,320.00
Match Officials Cost£130.00
Food for Players£10.53
Kit Costs£51.08
Physio Costs£190.00
Merchandise Committee
Equipment Cost£236.14
Online Store Cost£3.49
OSD loan
Loan Repayment£1,192.33

Women’s Teams Committee
Coaching Staff£920.00
Match Official Costs£100.00

Youth Training
FA Safeguarding course fee£30.00
Pitch Hire£784.00

Total Expenses£5,669.97

VAT in May 2023

Impact Alchemy South CIC – Loan for refurbishment of changing rooms£15,000.00
Transfer to OSDGT- Loan for refurbishment£15,000.00