August 2021 income and expenditure

The month of August saw an incredible double-header game in Manchester, and continued progress with the Old Spotted Dog.

The club’s expenditures increased back to its usual level, totalling £9,872.92 for the month of August, down from £10,754.21 in July.

A large one-off item spending this month were the membership badges which totalled £1,542. As usual, pitch hire costs were also a large area of spending across all teams: match day totalled £626, training pitch hires for Men’s First Team totalled £900 and £375 for ground hire, pitch hire for Access for Women (for April to June 2021) was £948.24, and Young Ton’s pitch hire totalled £805.

Other significant match day spending includes match official costs (£60 for match day and £345 for Men’s First Team), printing of programmes (£270), league and cup subscriptions (£130) and Kit Laundry (£70). Other areas of spending include storage costs for merchandise (£256.65) and match day storage costs for six months (£150).

Another large area spending relates to coach hire for the Manchester trip in August – the trip costs for the two teams were split equally across both teams last month (£800 each), and minibus hire for supporters totalled £850.

Finally we paid back £887.37 on a loan for refurbishing the Old Spotted Dog Ground.

The Club’s income in August increased from £11,249.30 in July to £15,143.01 in August.

This was largely because of merchandise sales of £6,609.44 (after the deduction of PayPal fees of £431.11) as well as match day donations which totalled £2055.58 for the Men’s first team, £298.70 for Young Tons, £200 for Women’s 5 sessions and £924.46 of other donations. Regular standing orders totalled £35.84.

In August, we also received membership fees totalling £4,214.58 (after deduction of PayPal fees of £250.42).

August has seen CCFC’s membership numbers drop for the second month in a row. Concession and Membership subscriptions are both down (-26.79% and -18.29% respectively) on the same period in 2020, but Solidarity membership saw a slight rise (5.13%)

In reporting the club’s expenditure, VAT is listed separately. In August, we collected £655.72 and spent £555.70, this means that we owe £100.02 for the month of August to HM Revenue & Customs.


We have recorded Hardship Fund income and spending separately and in August 2021, the income and spending for the Hardship Fund was:

Donations received for CCFC supporters£111.31
Payments made from Hardship Fund£0

In total, £13,784.75 has been received and £13,622 has been paid out so far from the Hardship Fund from March 2020 to the end of August 2021. The remaining balance is thus £162.75.

The club’s full income and expenditure for August 2021 is as follows:


Matchday Donations
Men’s first team£2,055.58
Young Tons session donations£298.70
Women’s 5s session donations£200.00
Monthly direct debit donations£35.84
Other donations£924.46

Programme Sales£373.30


*After a total of £431.11 fees

**After £250.42 fees


Communications Committee
PayPal fees on sales£431.11
Printing of programme costs£270.00
Merchandise storage costs£256.65
Publicity costs£32.68
Online costs£3.49


Finance Committee
Accounting software£25.40

League Liaison Committee
League subscriptions (Middlesex)£100.00
Cup registration (Middlesex)£30.00
Player disciplinary fine£12.00


Matchday Committee
Six month storage costs at Wadham Lodge£150.00

Men’s Development Team Committee
Pitch hire£626.00
Kit laundry£70.00
Match official costs£60.00
Travel costs£10.00


Young Tons Committee
Pitch hire£805.00


Men’s First Team
Training pitch hire£900.00
Ground hire£375.00
Match official costs£345.00


Access for Women
Pitch hire April to June 2021£948.24

Club Board
Online meeting software£36.00

Membership Committee
Membership Badges£1,542.00
Travel costs£5.90


Other expenditure
Minibus hire for supporters£850.00
Bounce back loan repayment£887.37

TOTAL CCFC Expenditure£9,872.92

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