Upgrade subs to online membership software | £ 64.77 |
Purchase of coin scale | £ 54.99 |
Envelopes for membership packs | £ 56.37 |
Payment to Rage Sports for shirt manufacture | £40,448.99 |
Banner for Stray Dog | £ 77.16 |
Payment for Physio | £ 80.00 |
Payment for security | £158.40 |
Payment for training kit | £34.90 |
Payment for physio bag | £58.78 |
Additional members badges | £ 374.40 |
Additional membership cards | £ 114.00 |
Printing of match programmes | £ 218.00 |
Payments to match officials | £176.00 |
Food for players | £60.00 |
Postage | £119.21 |
TOTAL | £42,095.97 |