Clapton Cageys FC win the East London Ladies FC Anniversary Beginners Tournament

Now, you may know us as the ‘Cageys’ but this was the first time we’ve ever actually played competitive 5-a-side football…in a cage. No throw-ins, no corners, balls bouncing off the walls, which meant the pace of the game was like nothing we’ve ever experienced. We were nervous, we were hyped and we were also very, very hot.

However, after a 0-0 start, then another 0-0 game, we managed to finally find our rhythm, seeing us finish out the first four games of the group stage with just 2 goals conceded and 7 scored, which took us straight into the semi-finals. 

We had some totally stand out moments fighting into the final – body slam dives from our goalie Jenn, stunning runs from Kelly (temp transfer from new OA 5-a-side Pitch Please!), hard-fought challenges from Mad-Dog Madeleine, amazing cameos from Chan (some total belters) and Luca (hat trick hero), an unrelenting defensive line from both Maddy and Carrie and even, Lucy’s first ever goal(s), including a penalty!

Red-faced, sweaty and out of breath, the tournament final was a battle – but one that we won 2-0, receiving yet another trophy to add to our collection at the OSD. Like all good tournaments, we ended up with pizza, beers and trophies at the pub!

Unfortunately, we’re not doing so great in the Super 5 League having lost our first two games back, so please jump on over to our Instagram @claptoncageysfc and give us some love! And watch this space for our next tournament on July 14…